The Oldest Boy got his first traffic ticket. Speeding in HARPERSVILLE ALABAMA.
Where is that? You ask? NO WHERE.
Me, being a woman of the digital age thought that it was a Shelby County ticket and I could pay this sucker online, AND he could possibly go to traffic school and get it 'taken care of.'
HA, this is ALABAMA. Harpersville Alabama no less, population 1,676, primary source of revenue? Speed Traps.
When I called about the ticket (court date, the next day) I discovered that:
1. They do not have credit card machines in Harpersville. (at least not in Town Hall)
2. They only take cash and cashiers checks.
3. If your court date is tomorrow, you have until 4 p.m. (They close at 4) today to pay the fine in person or they will issue a warrant for the Oldest Boy's arrest. Of course, by this's tempting.
4. They also are closed for lunch from 12-12:30.
I had an appointment with my attorney (I'll save this for another post) at 10 am. I had to drive my bus at 2:40...sooooooo.
Let's drive to Harpersville, won't that be soooooo much fun?
Stop by the bank, withdraw $123 (from Oldest Boy's account)
Drive South on Hwy 280
Get to Harpersville.
Don't Blink, you might miss it.
And here is Town Hall
Yes, that's the actual door I walked through to pay for the ticket.
It says OFEICE.
They must be Italian.
Thanks for the laugh! I would have let Oldest Boy get to be a grown up and take care of this, or not, all by himself. ;-)
Great post!! It had me laughing especially that they speak Italian hehe in ALABAMA!! Was Forrest Gump there to take the money?
That's hilarious! Not the getting the ticket, but the PoDunk town!
Too funny! I know what life in a small town is like and I laughed as I read your humorous recount of the ticket adventure. It is still hard to grasp that not everyone has taken the leap into this millenioum! Thanks Lisa!
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