Whipped Ricotta Crostini with Peppermint and Pomegranate
48 minutes ago
"The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in time of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality." -Dante
Filled with mingled cream and amber,
I will drain that glass again.
Such hilarious visions clamber
Through the chamber of my brain--
Quaintest thoughts--queerest fancies
Come to life and fade away;
What care I how time advances?
I am drinking ale today.
Edgar Allen Poe 1848
I love Moonshine- goes with the astrological theme- kind of!
I like moonshine but perhaps moonbeam would be a compromise to avoid the revenuers and stills inuendo.
Sooner...not so much.
I'm not very good with names, but I am excited for you!!
She's adorable!! I love the name Scout.
aha, Scout from one of my favorite books, To Kill A Mockingbird.
How about Casseopeia - or Cassie for short? That's a constellation, so in keeping with your astral theme...
Or, instead of Moonshine, how about the name from one of the actual moons in the solar system, like Callisto (one of Jupiter's) or Despina (one of Neptune's)?
Yes, I *did* take Astronomy in college to fulfill my natural sciences requirement, why do you ask?
(Actually, I *dropped* Astronomy midway through the semester as it was way too much math for my English Lit brain and also boring as possible. I did, however, keep my Astronomy textbook for reasons unknown.... unless those reasons were so that I could pull it out tonight, lo these many years later, to come up with suggestions for you!)
By the way, many of the moons have names taken from Shakespeare (Cressida, Ariel, Miranda, Portia, Rosalind, Juliet.....) so if you're a Shakespeare buff (like me!) then you can get a two-for-one theme tie-in! :D
Shutting up now and going off to be nerdy someplace less public...
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