Sunday, September 7, 2008

I finally won an award!

After sitting patiently for my real life BFF to give me an award (ahem), I got one from a Bloggy BFF!

Jennifer was sweet enough to pass this one along to me.

Here it is!

This award recognizes a blog's creativity & overall contribution to the blogger community. It feels good to be recognized for the time & effort that goes into blogging! Here are the rules once you receive this award:

1.) Choose 5 blogs that you consider deserving of this award based on creativity, design, interesting material & overall contribution to the blogger community.
2.) Post the name of the author & a link to his or her blog so everyone can view it.
3.) Each award winner has to show the award & put the name & link to the blog that has given him or her the award
4.) The award winner & presenter should post the link of the "Arte y pico" blog so everyone will know the origin of the award.
5.) Post these rules

I think this is the originating site... but my Spanish is rusty and I am too lazy to send it through a translator.

Okay, I choose these 5:

Dad The Dude - He really needs to read
This Post!

Back To Barnwell

Lipstick At The Mailbox

Busy Dad Blog

Cool Cat Lizzie Blogger in Training.

Nice work guys, I love your Blogs!

And I have decided to make it a two-fer! Take this award with the same rules only link back to Me!

my sig


BusyDad said...

Thank you Twisted one! I had no idea you read my blog :) It's always nice to come across new readers. Now it's my turn to poke around in here a bit...

dadthedude said...

Thank you so much! I'll have to clean off a special place on a shelf ofr this... maybe there where the lighting is good.

I love your blog as well - it's twisted!

Lipstick said...

Oh my goodness! Thank you so very much!!!!

Lipstick said...

P.S. I added my official thank you on Friday's post. Sorry it took me so long. My gmail put your email in the spam section and I have no idea why. Especially since they think those crazy Nigerians "bankers" are legit.